If you’ve visited GET Fit’s website, then surely you recognize this photo above. It’s hard to tell what time of year it was taken with most people sweating in tank tops while others are bundled up in jackets. This memory was one for the books.
Every holiday, we like to make a special time for our community to come together and get one hell of a workout in before the chaos of family and tradition sets in. This particular photo was from Christmas Eve morning in 2019 – our Annual Christmas Bootcamp. It was a whopping 12 degrees out that morning.
Our closest and most committed members showed up bright and early Christmas Eve morning, they brought their friends, their kids and their best game face. We did a “12 Days of Christmas” bootcamp. If you have ever done Crossfit, you know these are the hardest kinds of workouts. 1 Burpee, 2 push ups — 1 burpee, 3 pull ups – 2 push ups – 1 burpee…all the way to 12. And the exercises were more challenging as the numbers went up. With barbells, box jumps, double unders and running. You can understand why everyone was so sweaty on a chilly December day!
But this is community, this is our gym family and we wouldn’t have it any other way. As each one of us were dying, breathing heavy in our own corner, hoping no one else noticed how slow we were going, someone would run by the new girl and yell out “ great job, keep your pace going”! Everyone motivates everyone and that is why we are able to push ourselves outside our comfort zones.
Whether you can identify with the guy doing full kipping pull ups, looking like a pro, or you feel for the girl in the corner just trying to not throw up before she gets through the second round – you find a home here sooner or later, no matter the experience. Diversity is what keeps up striving for more, it keeps up motivating the person next to us and it’s what brought us all together to take this photo when we just wanted to collapse on the floor after a good butt-kicking.
We’re strong on our own. We’re stronger together.