Never Let a Good Crisis Go to Waste

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Before the pandemic hit and changed everything, the struggles of clients I heard on a daily basis were understandable, simple, consistent.

  • I leave for work early and get home late. I hardly have time to cook a healthy meal. Takeout is just easy.
  • My work schedule and the kids schedules are crazy. It’s hard for me to find time to work out or make it to the gym.
  • If I were home more, I’d have time to food prep.

Never let a good crisis go to waste.

Then came the pandemic and stopped our routines dead in their tracks. For the last 10 months, we’ve had consistent inconsistency in our lives. We don’t know when the kids will be in school or home. We don’t know what will be allowed next week. We don’t know if our plans and parties will have to be cancelled 6 months from now.  We hate not knowing.

But we’re home now. The kids sports have slowed down. The long commute is no more for many. The days of wishing we could be home to enjoy a few meals with the family every now and again are here and yet we’re still finding something to complain about. These are the days you were begging for. More time.

Yes, life is no less chaotic, but the rules have changed. The parameters have changed.

Never let a good crisis go to waste.

We need to use this time to do the things we said we would if the commute ever shortened, if the kids schedule slowed down. We are here. So why are we still making excuses for not doing those very things we hoped we could find time to do. Don’t make excuses, make an action plan – then do it!

Accountability is the reason. No one is waiting for you to meal prep on Sunday so you can eat healthy all week. No one is waiting for you at the gym (if you go to a globo gym) to hold you accountable.

But we are. We make you show up, we make you do hard things that get you to your end goal. Then we make you set new goals and do more hard things, again. Then we make sure you eat the food you need to recover from those hard things. We teach you how to enjoy the process instead of dreading this thing you keep putting off.

But why does it work? Because we do it together.

Schedule a free No-Sweat Intro today to learn how we can help you get on the right track and not let a good crisis go to waste.

After all, we are all #StrongerTogether

people working out in a group fitness class


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